In an increasingly complex world, Lions provides one of the most basic human needs - the need for friends and friendship.
As an individual you can have a limited impact but as part of a group you can achieve so much more - in your community, your country, your world.
Membership in Lions aids your growth and education in human relations and personal development.
Every Lions member is encouraged, and has the opportunity to build their leadership skills and to serve in a variety of positions, both at club level and beyond.
Membership in a lion's club brings you more awareness of your community. The average Lions Club has at its heart the intention to make the community it serves a better place to live in, and does this with a variety of programs tailored to the community 's needs.
Interesting guest speakers bring a range of views and information for club members. Opportunities for personal and leadership development are offered.
Each meeting is fun. The club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. And the service is fun.
Many an individual who joined Lions was afraid to speak in public. Lions develops confidence and skill in public communication, and the opportunity to practice these skills in a friendly setting.
Every Lion wears a pin that reads "Lions International". Every Lion is welcome to attend the 41,000+ clubs in more than 190 nations and geographical areas of the world. Some 1.4 million men and women are Lions. Instant friends both in one's own community and the world community.
Because there are Lions clubs everywhere, help is only a 'phone call away should you need it. Using the International Directory, you can easily contact the local Lions Club, wherever you are.
Lions Clubs organize many different activities that provide entertainment as well as education.
Lions is for people who like people. Twice a month at meetings, and at various events and function, Lions helps to develop social and people skills in its members.
Wherever there is a need, you'll find Lions there, actively involved in getting the job done and Making Things happen. Always ready to roll up the sleeves and find a solution. No job is too big or too small.
Lions has a range of programs for our youth - Leo clubs, Youth exchange and hosting, the Youth of the Year Quest, the Lions-Quest Skills programs and other programs that involve the family.
All Lions Clubs embrace the same set of ethics. Lions are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.
Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, color and ethnic identity is found in Lions. It is a cross section of citizens from every background. Lions become aware of other cultures and learn to love and work with people everywhere. It is truly an International organization.
SightFirst - a worldwide program to eradicate preventable blindness, Hearing dogs for the deaf, provision of mobility aids for children, to name but a few.
Lions above all are nice people, who genuinely want to give of their time, labor and means to assist others, and have a lot of fun while they are doing it.
Lions has no secret policy, no official creed, no secret meetings or rituals. It is open ...--society - of men and women who simply believe in helping others.
Lions is a service club. This is the best reason for becoming a Lion: the chance to do as a group what we cannot hope to achieve on our own, to serve our fellow man, and to make the world a better place. Our motto is simple, but it says it all. "We Serve"
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